The Huronia Woodland Owners Association (HWOA) is the Simcoe County chapter of the Ontario Woodlot Association (OWA). HWOA was formed in 1971 by an enthusiastic group of landowners and land interest groups who wanted a forum for interested people to promote wise use of forest resources on private land. After more than 50 years of service to our membership our main purpose has not changed. We have a common interest in forestry and the wise long term use of the forest resources including as wildlife habitat, for recreation, and forest products. We encourage anyone interested in our forests to join our membership. HWOA membership is included with your OWA membership.
Benefits of OWA Membership
CLICK HERE to discover the benefits of OWA membership! As originally presented at the 2024 HWOA AGM.
CLICK HERE to access the OWA website.
Volunteer Opportunities
Great events require great volunteers!
Please consider volunteering your time as a board director or to help with one of our yearly events (Field Day, White Pine Award, Scholarship selection).